Skáldsagan Under the Black Sand var gefin út 29. maí 2013. Hún gerist á Íslandi, en er á ensku.
Pétur býr á Íslandi eftirhrunsáranna þar sem viðskiptajöfrar reyna að efnast á ástandinu og stjórnmálamenn þykjast vera heiðarlegir. Hann lifir fyrir spennuna sem fjármagn og völd gefa og hann er staðráðinn í að leyfa engu að koma í veg fyrir að áætlanir hans muni ná fram að ganga. Ekkert hræðir hann, ekki einu sinni forsætisráðherra.

Martraðirnar, þar sem sama konan kemur endalaust fyrir eru pirrandi og hann reynir að leiða þær hjá sér. Þegar honum er gefin mynd af sér með henni, fer hann að velta fyrir sér hver veit af henni og hvernig tilvera hennar getur verið þekkt.
Skilin milli raunveruleika og ímyndunar hverfa þegar maður er myrtur á skrifstofu Péturs. Martraðirnar magnast og verða raunverulegri en heimurinn í hring um hann..
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Amazon UK, 28 May 2014 – 5 out of 5 stars
Unusual fast moving story
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase
I bought this book as I like stories based in Iceland. It sat in my ‘wish list’ for ages as I was unsure whether or not to buy. There were no reviews to guide me. However I am so happy that I did in the end purchase it.
This fast moving story is about a forceful businessman, set in todays post 2008 bank collapse Iceland, trying to get a large project passed a political and environmental restistance to his plan. As the story develops you get flashbacks to the past, his past, which eventually consumes his time. It is a story of love over the centuries, of struggle against hard times and also of murder. I cannot give to much away as this will ruin your enjoyment. If you like a slightly supernatural story this is for you. Very good.
Amazon NL, 21 January 2015 – 5 out of 5 stars
A unique story in a unique environment.
A story unlike other love stories. Contains all the aspects that makes you want to keep on reading (power, lust, love and well described feelings and sceneries). Movie material.
Amazon USA, 6 February 2015 – 4 out of 5 stars
Gripping story – needs an editor
Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase
Very good story; starts a bit slow, but if you keep going it will eventually grip you. It made me want to watch the short movie in which the book is based. I very much enjoyed the way the history of Iceland is used as a backdrop for the story, that works very well. The pronunciation guide was a nice touch, by the way.
Minor nitpick: this book would benefit from being looked over by an editor. There are a few repeated errors that look like translation mistakes (like using “ore” where it should be “oar”, or “clique” for “cliché” – both of these several times), and at least once a character’s name is replaced with what looks like an English version of the name (Halla is referred to as Heather in one of the final scenes).
((The issues here have since been corrected and are not found in the version currently on offer – Villi))
Amazon USA, 10 May 2015 – 4 out of 5 stars
Nordic spirits and a Nordic Tiger.
Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase
This crime novel swings from standard mystery to very different mythology. Very pleasing story that is tied up well. Most of the characters are very real but not sympathetic. No sweethearts traipsing through this tundra. Great melding of ancient and contemporary conflict.
Tvær stiklur voru gerðar fyrir bókina Under the Black Sand:
Önnur skáldsaga, Blood and Rain, er mikið til tilbúin og verður gefin út við tækifæri.Hún er ekki framhald fyrri bókar, heldur fjallar hún um ungan íslenskan blaðamann í Barcelona árið 1937, á tímum borgarastyrjaldarinnar.